Last Saturday was the INKlings training day organised by Jayne.......unfortunately, Jayne was ill so it has been postponed (date to be confirmed). I was looking forward to getting out with no kids. :-) Then Nicky called to say she was going to a fellow demo's house (Michelle), why don't I come along. So I did. Now, I needed to make a birthday card for a to-be 6 year old as Oliver was invited to her birthday party at the local AMF Bowling.
Well, I took my card stock and dsp with me and set to work!! Oh my goodness, I have NEVER taken soooooooo long to make a card. It just wasn't working for me at all!! In the end, Clare had her scraps with her and she very kindly let me use her dsp and matching card stock - phew!!!
So this is what I came up with. I firstly had the dsp panel horizontal and while it was working I wasn't 100% happy. I turned it so it was portrait and it just looked so much better so I went with it. I was trying to work the butterfly into it as well.
Naturally, I added some bling to the card!! LOL.
I hope Oliver's friend liked her card and her present (Barbie!). LOL
Happy Stamping,
P.S. - Don't forget you get 20% off the Starter Kit (until 31st July). Click HERE for more information.