........baby Harry!
Not my first choice in names I have to say but the other two kids named him that and well, it kinda stuck!! lol
Here are the very proud big brother and sister with their new brother! lol
Harry is the first one to want to come on his own - no eviction notice served here! lol Things happened VERY quickly. We arrived at the hospital an hour before Harry made his appearance. My waters broke and he came 9 minutes later! From start to finish, labor was 4 hours. Oh my!
Both Oliver and Emily are very excited to have their brother finally here. They love him to bits! I thought we might have some problems with Emily but she is great with him. She wants to see him all the time and if Harry is crying she runs up to him and says "OK Harry"! Bless her! Oliver asks for cuddles with Harry but doesn't like it when Harry smells!! lol
Third time lucky for me with feeding. I didn't have any luck with Oliver and Emily but things are going well with Harry. Third time lucky! lol
Harry is 4 weeks old now which is why things have been quiet on my blog. I'm sure you understand why. I will try and get some posts going as there are projects I would like to share with you.
Harry is sound asleep at the moment so I'd better get off here and get some things done around the house.
Happy Stamping,